This document is provided by the Michigan General Jural Assembly to assist with embracing and knowing the concepts and principals necessary to bring an assembly into today's effort to redress of grievances and abuse by government offices and the agents that presently occupy those offices.
First Step: Gather as many people together as you can get to meet with you and start discussing what the community concerns are. Ask two or more people to take notes of the discussion and guide the discussion into the formation of an assembly. Do not be concerned at this point whether or not it will be a county or a state assembly. The purpose at this point is to get the people introduced to the concept of an assembly to address grievances that are prevalent and common to all that are present. When the concept of an assembly is being accepted as a method of bringing the communities grievances to the government offices the discussion should then move into formalizing the assembly using the "Bill of Rights" Article one as the peoples authority and power to do so. Be conscientious of the time spent so as to not over stay the meeting and lose people, set a period of time that is agreed to by the group and plan the time and place for the next meeting having this all recorded in the notes by the note keepers. This meeting and the notes will become the minutes and the record of the first meeting of the assembly.
Second Step: This should be the second meeting again with note takers and this discussion will be guided into the formalizing of how the group of people will desire the assembly to be operated and what leaders or officers the people desire to establish. There are three offices or officers that are vital to the development of the assembly to function with a minimum of breakdown of the meetings into chaos and subsequent demise of the assembly. The 1st position or office is a Moderator to keep order and decorum with the meetings progress, 2nd position or office is Recording Secretary or Scribe to keep minutes and gather the notes from the note takers and to maintain the record of the assembly, the 3rd position or office is Bailiff or Sargent-at-Arms to assist the moderator in keeping order and to break up any ruckus that may break out because of the differences in ideology about any particular issue. There are other offices that an assembly will desire to have in place to handle things that are on the floor of the assembly for discussion and voted into being such as Treasure, Chaplin, Historian, and other offices and positions that the assembly deems necessary to function.
Third Step: Now the assembly has to become conscious of numbers and what the numbers indicate. We, the Michigan General Jural Assembly, researched everything that we brought to the assembly to determine what made sense and what didn't and what might be over done by sheer weight of volume and numbers. In researching the original concept of coming together as a grand jury, the Magna Carta of 1215 in chapter 61 the numbers for this body was stated to be "the election of twenty five barons from the realm" to administer stability and security. The assembly chose the number of twenty seven so there was two alternates to participate in the deliberations of a grand jury and this number became the number of assembly members to establish the state level assembly. The assembly than established the number to establish the county assembly as being thirteen which also may be used as a petite grand jury. We called this establishment of the state and county assemblies as settling the state and county under de jure jurisdiction.
Fourth Step: By now or at least the third meeting the group or assembly will want to discuss how the function and operation of the assembly will be and also become very solid on the concept that whatever the assembly decides to do the safety and wellbeing of the assembly members and the community is the highest priority. The purpose is to move the elected people, in government offices, in the direction of protecting the people's rights and to cease abusing their office for self-aggrandizement and self benefit at the expense of the people. This is done by making the people of the state and county aware of the existence of the assembly and that they can become members by whatever process those in the present assembly agree on by a vote that is seen to be right for the assembly whether that is by majority, quorum or how every. The will and desire of the people are the reason the assembly exists and that all come to a consensus and agree is the most important factor to be observed. It is also important that all who gather are to be heard and their input be considered creating and exercising the concept that all have a voice and all in concert can speak as one voice to an aberrant agent in a government office.
Fifth Step: In the 4th step it is stated that the assembly makes the state and county aware of its existence. How that is done is by the assembly publishing a notice in the "legal notices" section of the major news organ for the state level and in the local county news organ again in the legal notices section for the county. The newspapers are being advised by their attorney's to not publish these notices but persistence will prevail if you challenge them "nicely" and make your case using the very same 1st article in the Bill of Rights that they themselves use. There are caveats to this publication which you must insist on which are when they do publish it it cannot have a box around it as legally they have conquered your assembly and can dictate and claim jurisdiction. A way to see how you desire it to be published is to get a major and local paper to see how the attorneys have their notices published and insist for the same courtesy. The notice must be published three weeks in a row with the paper being purchased and given to the scribe for the record. The final publishing is when the assembly reads the article into the minutes of the county board of supervisor's board of commissioner's board of trustees or whatever county town hall or business meetings takes place in your location. The state level publication is different only in the fact that it is to be Published Four weeks in a row and then the article and a notice is mailed by Registered Mail to the state governor and the state attorney general. Any rebuttal will have to be counter challenged by the assembly and that has not happened yet but one never knows with these miscreants' who are abusing the people.
Sixth Step: By now the present assembly should be interested in and determined to address the concerns that have been identified and if sufficient numbers exist there can be specific topics subjects or ideas that can have three or five people volunteer to research and bring the finding and conclusions of evidence to the assembly and the assembly as a whole can develop the notice to be delivered to the government office that has been offensive and abusive to the people and to include the particular agent that is involved or the particular statute rule ordinance or regulation that has caused harm to the people or the people's property. This introduces the main business of the assembly, which is to educate the members to the point that the members can educate the rest of the community. This is the way and how We THE People effect change and demonstrate our ability to self-govern and hold our elected appointed and hired government agents responsible and accountable for their actions. This is done by 1st getting rid of all their immunity codes that allow them to act aberrantly and abusive with impunity and a new power of the people to remove them from the office they hold. This includes attorneys and judges and law enforcement persons.
Seventh Step: The records of the assemblies business are vital to the assembly to rebut and challenge all efforts to minimize do away with ignore the communication from the assembly to the miscreants in public office. The education of the assembly members and the community must always demonstrate the actions in a peaceful lawfull manner. We THE People require our public officials to perform the duties and obligations of their office with integrity and impartiality. The present day observation of the offices of government is a constant affront on the people's rights. Those rights will not be protected by these government offices as the assembly reduces the power and authority of politicians and attorneys in these offices who seek total control. These grievances are brought out by the assemblies through the use of written communications in the form of notices FOIA requests complaints and has to follow a developed standard so the case can be made for the repeal or removal of the office holders. These protocols that the assembly develops are crucial and the chain of evidence that helps to support the work of the assembly. These records and the records of the assemblies work to reach the conclusion they did and the actions they took are vital to prove the status and standing of the assembly.
Eighth Step: There are two documents that the assembly should consider developing for the assembly. The first document is the Functions and Operations of the Assembly document that are the guiding concepts principals and standards of the business of the Assembly. This document manual handbook will allow all assembly members and all who come to join or participate with the assembly to become aware and educated about how the assembly functions and operates. The second document is the Functions and Operations of the Grand Jury that the assembly is and supports. The assembly can come to a place that a Grand Jury action is appropriate and the deliberations can be presented as an indictment of the office and or the office holder. Once these indictments are handled, a process that is for a later discussion, the assembly has to keep communication going directed to the office that is charged with the responsibility of protecting our rights to effect the desired change. This is where the patience and strength of the people are tested the most.
Ninth Step: The highest value of the assembly is the shared research and learning about the origin of the Republic and its present condition. The origin of the state and the rules that the legislature has published as being the way it is or not. The continual creep of the attorneys into our government offices and the corrupt politicians that have sold out their office for financial gain and re-election potential with favors is well known and observed. All the while they put in place enslaving legislation that is abusive and costly to the people and their nation. The legislative process has been usurped and utilized against the people and the assembly has the function of dissecting the verbiage of these legislative documents and demanding correction or repeal. This is not easy work and it is not a short method to accomplish the change we all desire. As articulated through these steps the learning and work of the assembly has a heavy burden of being educators and researchers to communicate their findings to the people. By now the assembly should have its operations established and people are working in concert to establish a record of what the assembly is doing and what it proposes to do. This will include the maintenance of the records of the meetings minutes, offices identified and filled to orchestrate the business of the meetings and communications with the government agents at whatever level chosen to address as the assembly will see where there are overlaps in the abuse of the government offices. Without a record of activity the assembly is little more than a group people meeting and discussing a wish list without any evidence of any actions taken. The minutes of the meeting, whether by physical meeting or phone meeting is the record of the identifying an infraction of the government, the proposed correction of that infraction and the communication of the identity and proposed correction to that office. This is the purpose of the assembly and the type of dialogue communicated to government that informs them their behavior is under scrutiny by the people.
Tenth Step: We believe that this action will bring awareness to the people that these abuses cannot be addressed by any other means rather than the long time desire to sue them in courts that are manipulated by attorneys to extort the people and obligate their labor for damages that no man or woman has caused. The long time wish of people to walk in and arrest judges and sheriffs and po-lice for their abusive acts are not happening nor will it happen until the people make it their "right" to do so. Most states will find many blocks to their efforts to hold their elected and hired government agents accountable. As the assembly researches the method the government is supposed to work and how it actually does will be an experience that will rile emotions and instill anger which needs to be directed at challenging the legislated abuses and agent protective immunities to effect change.
Every assembly should meet at regular times, whether physically or phone and discuss the findings of fact and their desired conclusions and demand the correction to the problem identified in written form to compile documented evidence. Each assembly needs to establish a state assembly call that can be used to discuss business of the state assembly and to also partake in the National Assembly call to discuss the national governments abuse and to also partake in developing communication of these abuses to the national government as well as the state's congressional representatives from a unity of states position. With these ten steps it is the hope of the author that it will inspire the people to learn how the government is to act in accordance with the people' s desire and will and that the government's power to intimidate extort incarcerate people without due process is brought to an end.©
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